Nuform is committed to ensuring the health, safety and walfare of its employess and any other people who may be affected by the organizations operations. The Directors accept overall responsiblity for effective management of workplace health, safety and walfare. Managers must do whatever is reasonably practicable to make sure that the workplace and the work itself are safe. They are required to show leadership and communicate their commitment to safety by establishing injury prevention goals and safe work practices. Employees and contractors must take reasonable care of themselves and others and co-operate to protect their health and safety. The Directors of Nuform will oversee the effectiveness of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee and ensure that outcomes and best practices of all its initiatives are driven at all levels of the organization. Nuform will comply with all legal and statutory requirements. Managers are to ensure compliance with the Occupational Health & Safety requirements, moral and ethical obligations and best practices to its employees, contractors, customers and general and greater community.